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Showing posts from July, 2021

Erica Richardson

Clean Books to Engage and Inspire

BOOK REVIEW: The Simple Art of Flying

  THE SIMPLE ART OF FLYING - REVIEW (SPOILER-FREE)   Review Format:  (Created by my unpaid minion—whoops, business partner—Seth!)  Up to 40 points are possible. Cover - 5 pts  "You can't judge a book by its cover, but you can judge its cover." Intro - 5 pts  "The journey of 1000 pages hopefully starts with a good one." Main Story - 15 pts  "What's a sandwich without the ham?"  Ending - 5 pts  "Out with a bang? Or 'I just found some new kindling!'" Grammar 5 pts  "Let's eat Grandma! vs. Let's eat, Grandma!" (grammar saves lives) Creativity 5 pts  "Hairy Pawter and the Wizard's Rock!"  35-40 points =  Must Read! 30-34 points = Amazing 25-29 points = Great 20-24 points = Good 10-19 points = Pass 0-9 points = Nope! COVER  This cover is just beautiful! Like Seth says, "You can't judge a book by its cover, but you can judge its cover." Actually, in all honesty, I judge books by their covers.